>Commands NXatax is a fast action arcade game. You must use your quick reflexes to shoot Oand destroy air and ground enemies. You can use your keyboard or your joystick Mto play this game. If you are using a joystick, you must configure it in the Setup option at the Main Menu. OIf you are using a keyboard, the following keys are used to control your ship: ~CTRL - fires your weapon(s) ~ALT - releases a bomb ~UP ARROW - moves the ship up "~DOWN ARROW - moves the ship down &~RIGHT ARROW - moves the ship forward '~LEFT ARROW - moves the ship backwards KTo manuever the ship in a diagonal fashion, you can press a combination of Nkeys. Press the UP ARROW with the RIGHT or LEFT ARROW, or DOWN ARROW with the RIGHT or LEFT ARROW. !Other keys during game play are: *~ESC - quit the game or restart the level '~SPCAEBAR - temporarily pause the game MIf you are using a joystick, you have at least two fire buttons. During game Nplay, one will fire your weapon(s) and the other will drop a bomb. During the Imenu screens, one will act as an ENTER key and the other as the ESC key. >Pellets ODuring the game certain enemies that are destroyed will leave behind different Jpower pellets. If you collect these pellets, they will add or change your *ship's weapon to make your ship stronger. M#0 Power Up - When you first start the game your ship will have the standard Nweapon. As you collect Power Up pellets, your weapon will transform to a more powerful weapon. D#1 Rapid Fire - The Rapid Fire pellet will allow your ship to shoot ?continuously by simply pressing and holding down the CTRL key. M#2 Missiles - The Missiles pellet will give your ship missiles. The missiles 'will fire in 45 and 315 degree angles. G#3 Extra Life - The Extra Life pellet will give you an extra life, the 1maximum number of extra lives you can have is 4. O#4 Shields - The Shields pellet will protect you from enemy fire for a limited Gperiod of time within a level. When you have shields, you can note the Mstrength by looking at the bar next to the score. This bar will only appear Nwhen you have shields. If you are hit by enemy fire, it reduces your shields D25 percent. If you collide with an enemy, your shields are removed. M#5 Pod - When you pick up the Pod pellet, you will have a "helper" that will Efollow your ship. It has the same weapons as your ship and is almost Jindestructable. The pod itself is not affected when hit by enemy fire or Lcollisions with the ground. The only way you can loose your pod is if your main ship is hit by enemy fire. G#6 Bomb - You can collect the bomb pellet by destroying various ground ,enemies. You can hold a maximum of 5 bombs. JThere are various ways you can loose your ship. If you move your ship and Ncollide with the ground, you will automatically die. If you have the standard Kweapon configuration and you are hit by an enemy fire, you will loose your Hlife. If you have collected several pellets, every enemy fire that hits !you will decrease your strength. >Game Code LAt the beginning of each level, you will notice a code at the bottom of the Nlevel intro screen. This code allows you to restore your game at the level at Ma later time. If you died at Level 3, and you did not want to start the game Ifrom the beginning, you can use the game code. By selecting the Continue Loption in the Main Menu and typing in your game code for the desired level, Gyou can restore your game from the beginning of that particular level. MNOTE: Game codes have a random factor added to them for encryption purposes. NThere are many game codes for the same game state, so don't be surprised when it changes. >Restarting a Level LDuring the game you can restart the level by pressing ESC and then pressing Jthe F10 key. This will restore the game from the beginning of the current Jlevel. It resets the weapons, number of lives, bombs and score. This acts Mlike a quick game code and functions very similiarly. Simply put, it places Ithe game back to the stage it was at the very first time you reached the level. *